Warts are neoplasms of viral nature, they can form on any part of human skin, but their most common localization is on the hands, soles, face and neck.
The cause of warts has been proven to be the HPV human papilloma virus, which has over 100 species, many of which contribute to malignant neoplasms. Therefore, it is impossible to easily understand the appearance of any growths on the body, contact an expert immediately to clarify the exact diagnosis, type, nature of education, distinguish it from other skin diseases.
In this article, we will look at how to effectively and quickly get rid of warts on the hands, as well as which folk recipes will help remove warts at home. Read reviews of successful treatments in the comments.
What causes warts on the hands?
Warts are a sign of the human papilloma virus, or HPV for short, in the body. There are many strains of this virus, the most active of which is HPV no. 2, which causes warts on the hands.
The virus is transmitted very quickly indoors with high temperature and humidity air. Therefore, places such as swimming pools, saunas and baths are most suitable for the spread of papilloma virus. The most successful area for the formation of warts are the hands, because this part of the body is most often in contact in certain processes of human life. The treatment of warts on the hands has its own characteristics, because first of all it is necessary to determine whether it is a real wart or not and whether it should be removed?
Perhaps an infected person will never face such a disorder as a wart, thanks to good health and strong immunity. But people who constantly spend all their energy on work and worries are in danger. After all, the weakening of the organism and stress are the real causes of warts on the hands, because in such conditions, HPV begins to act especially aggressively.
It is common to distinguish several types of warts, depending on the clinical manifestations:
- Ordinary (vulgar) wartsthey usually appear on the hands and soles, in places where injuries and microtraumas most often occur. They are round, the size of a needle head to a large pea, have an uneven surface, like cauliflower, and gradually grow, forming unpleasant "bushes" of warts. They are most common in adolescents during puberty.
- straight nipples. These warts are often called juvenile warts, because they most often occur in adolescents and young adults. Such formations have a yellowish tinge, their surface is smooth, they are practically invisible, because they protrude slightly above the skin. Such an outgrowth does not occur more than 3 mm. Straight nipples appear on the back of the finger. Only one growth may occur, but often the formations are in groups.
- plantar warts- usually occur on the soles, under the pressure of uncomfortable shoes. More common in people with excessive sweating of the feet. Such warts have a deeply located nucleus, they are painful, dark gray in color. It must be removed, along with mechanical removal of deposits. Otherwise, the wart will grow back. This type of neoplasm is also found in those who work with uncomfortable tools for a long time.
Warts on the hands: photo
What these neoplasms look like, we offer detailed photos for review.

How to get rid of warts on the fingers?
In most cases you don’t have to do anything to get rid of the hated growth, it disappears on its own. But if a long time has passed since the appearance of the wart on the fingers, and it does not think it disappears, but grows or multiplies, then certain measures must be taken.
Wart removal is recommended in the following cases:
- if its color changes;
- if the nipple bleeds or gets wet;
- if the surface becomes uneven;
- with the appearance of daughter neoplasms;
- with constant friction, pressure, other mechanical damage;
- at risk of stress;
- when it causes aesthetic and psychological discomfort.
The problem with choosing a method to treat warts is that it is a unique neoplasm that can respond to treatment in a completely non-standard way. In some cases, any means of treating warts are useless, while in others the warts disappear on their own and without exposure.
However, you must understand that treating warts on your hands will not save you from HPV itself, but only from its manifestations in the form of a rash, and to avoid recurrence in the future, you must first get involved in preventing and strengthening your immunity.
How to remove warts on the hands
There are four main ways to remove warts. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Which method to get rid of warts - an expert must decide by examining the area of skin damaged by the wart.
- laser removal. The most efficient, maintenance-free and painless. The whole process takes a few minutes, and only a small and imperceptible indentation remains at the place where the nipple was.
- Cryotherapy. The essence of the method is freezing the formation with liquid nitrogen, as a result, the warts die and peel off in 5-6 days. There are no traces after this procedure if you care for the wound properly.
- Electrocoagulation. It is performed under local anesthesia using a surgical coagulator. A thin metal plate, under the influence of high-frequency electric current, produces layer by layer sections of the nipple. In this case, coagulation (cauterization) of the affected tissue occurs. If the root of the tumor is located at a great depth from the surface of the skin of the hands, then after the procedure will remain flat, bright scar.
- Surgical intervention. This is a method of excision when it comes to a large area of wart rash. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, and the sutures are aesthetic.
- Chemical methods for removing warts- are used much less frequently than the above. In this case, caustic alkali or acid is applied to the nipples. The procedure can be one-time or course. This method has a number of disadvantages: pain, increased risk of damage to healthy tissues and a high probability of wound infection. The exception in this case is salicylic acid, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of ointments, solutions, patches. To remove some warts, this medicine is enough, but it is worth remembering that the medicine is applied only to the wart.
Remember that removing a wart does not mean the end of treatment. For a complete cure you need to take care of your immunity to defeat the human papilloma virus.

How to remove warts on the hands at home
If the warts on the fingers are benign neoplasms, their number and size are not too large, you can try to remove the warts yourself with folk remedies at home:
- The most common way is celandine. Warts should be lubricated with fresh celandine juice 2 times a day until the wart disappears. This usually takes a few days.
- Vinegar for nipples. Very often, acetic acid is used to treat warts at home. Gently drip 1 drop of acetic acid on each nipple every night before bed. Over time, the warts will begin to disappear.
- Soak the onion in vinegar, tie it to the nipple overnight. In order not to burn the skin surrounding the nipple, it is necessary to close it with a band-aid or cut a circle of polyethylene with a hole in the middle. Repeat for a few days until completely gone.
- Kalanchoe leaf turns into a porridge, is placed on the nipple quite thickly, binds and so they sleep all night.
Before starting the procedure at home, using any alternative method of treatment, whether it is an ointment or a solution, it is recommended to steam the neoplasm for 15 minutes, then remove excess water from the nipple and apply the drug.
If traditional methods of treatment do not give the desired effect, warts on the hands change shape and color, increase in size, itch, bleed or are constantly injured, it is recommended to urgently consult a specialist to avoid infection. large areas of healthy skin.
In addition to the process of healing and strengthening the immune system, do not forget about the precautionary measures in places with a lot of people, as well as personal hygiene. If possible, always carry an antibacterial gel with you so you don’t wash your hands in a public place.